Morgan Progress

I have finally started building Morgan again, and this time opted for Mini Morgan.  It will be a fully functional 3D printer with a build volume similar to that of a Reprap Prusa Mendel.

  1. I want Morgan (Full) to be printable on Mendel in order to comply with the RepRap philosophy.  I would love for somebody printing Morgan on a Mendel that was built from parts printed on a Darwin 😉
  2. The smaller model will make the many changes that lies ahead more affordable
  3. It has a better chance of fitting on my desk

Morgan Mini will now have the following features:

  • Fully enclosed build area
  • Separate internal electronics enclosure
  • heated build platform / build environment
  • Single tool-head (FDM)
  • Footprint of Approximately 300 x 450 x 300mm
  • x-y system will be an articulated arm
  • z will be Ultimaker / Replicator style Build platform.
  • RAMPS with a twist (TBA) as electronics platform
  • All “vitamins” will be easily obtainable and non exotic materials

At release time, Morgan builders in South-Africa should be able to be up and printing in a week from starting.  A list of reliable suppliers will be included, and bespoke components will be available here.

My aim is to have Morgan (Full) running by November 2012.

2 Replies to “Morgan Progress”

  1. have you been able to make some more progress? do you still have one of those ramps boards available? i’m intrested!!!
    i’m still struggling to get affordable printed parts and complete quides for electronics. i have found robotics with has greate prices for stepper motors and steper drivers. and for the rest there is RS:-). can your printer print jet?

    1. No printing here yet. Everything is progressing painfully slowly – the paying job is very demanding at the moment…

      Yes, I have some more RAMPS boards. I’ll send you a mail as well with the details.
      Every day I am edging closer… finally found a source for PTFE pipe in Gauteng!
      A report on my new finds coming soon.


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