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On this thought (Imagining a garage size Morgan Cheetah offspring) won’t the longer arms cause the load to be furthest away from the drive shaft causing sag?
EujeanParticipantA bit of an unrelated question, which will eventually relate back to the morgan. What is the units of openscad. A quick google said something about it being unitless? What does that mean when printing on the morgan for example? If I say cube([10,10,10]) do I get a 1x1x1 cm cube when printed? I have now designed my own feet/legs or whatever you might call it, but I’m a bit unsure about the scale or how it will come out?
EujeanParticipantI installed the first motor today, and tested it with a spare arduino uno and a4998. I’m pretty sure things weren’t set up perfectly as the driver got very hot in a few seconds, and about only 1.2A was drawn from old pc power supply. But nevertheless it moved, albeit with only one stepper, it’s something :P. Next I was wondering where I could actually get the famous smoothieware compatible hardware? And what it would cost more or less.
I also noticed that as it turned, the belt tension was not consistent as it was turned, is this something to be concerned about? It seems the belt-clips hold the belt firmly.
Last question, in the assembly guide on this page, I see you say not to use PLA for the toolhead? Will it make a huge difference?
EujeanEujeanParticipantAgain slight progress has been made, and all is coming together nicely. Quick question on the arms. Is there a specific way which works best with regards to which arm is on which side? For example in the reprap magazine, the theta arm is to the left if you are facing it directly, while the post with “Morgan in tails” swaps the arms around? And if I remember correctly, the newer machines have the theta arm to the left as well?
Next question, as the frame approaches completeness, I was wondering about the electronics. Should I go for the slightly cheaper, less-effort ramps setup, or should I invest time and effort into a much “better performing” arm-based system?
EujeanEujeanParticipantI think that might be the case as the pipes were never a tight push fit in any case.. Will try that.
Next question, in the instructions, different lengths are specified with different hotends. I initially didn’t see this as I started the assembly from the reprap magazine, and they assume a standard J-Head is to be used. If I were to say use an E3D-v6, which according to them is 12 mm longer than the J-Head, can I just use the standard lengths used in the assembly instructions on this page? That is the 650 mm for threaded rod, 440 mm for 15mm copper pipe and 460 mm for 22m copper pipe?
Does this just mean that the z-build volume decreases by approximately 12 mm?EujeanParticipantDefinitely making progress..
Just curious, The pipes are “warping” around each other, but I can’t seem to get them to sit flush with the pipe supports, it feels solid though:
I checked the pipe lengths, and they seem fine, and I’m pretty sure the smooth rods are in all the way into the z-mounts. Any thoughts?
EujeanParticipantSo the driveshaft is now working, but now I need the 6805 bearing for the top z-mount. Any idea where I can get it? I tried Centurion Bearings for this one as well, but they only sell the R 130 NSK bearings, which honestly seems a bit excessive..
EujeanEujeanParticipantHi Quentin
I am about to get the bearings now. I went back to Centurion bearings, and they said they are trying to get away from selling cheap bearings, they only had expensive ones.. So I think I will order from Peter or maybe I am just a bit confused as to how many of what bearings to get, because the assembly instructions on this page keeps recommending flange bearings instead of the standard 608s. And in the magazine, they only use standard 608s as far as I can tell.
Would the following work, excluding the 6805s:
- 4 x F608zz
- 5 x 608zz
Also on another note, I can’t figure out how exactly the whole driverod fits in the bottom z-mount. I can’t see any pictures in the magazine, also can’t find instructions here. Maybe I’m just overlooking something obvious haha.
EujeanEujeanParticipantGreetings again
I was at h4h tonight, but sadly just after you left. I spoke to Richard though, and he suggested I rather try during the day to print on one of the printers up front? Would any time during the day be fine? Or what is the best plan of action moving forward? Pretty excited to get these parts printed now 😀
EujeanParticipantHi again Quentin
How long would it roughly take to print all the pvc supports? Would it be able to print all 8 in one go, or break it up into seperate prints?
Also, how exactly would it work, if I come to h4h, because I’m pretty sure it won’t all finish in the time that I’m there.
EujeanParticipantAh I see.
Now the next question is, where should I get filament from? I saw netram have a special for 1kg for R289? Is it a good deal? How much filament is needed roughlly, will 3kg be enough?
I won’t be able to make it this week, but will most probably swing by next week.
EujeanEujeanParticipantI was walking on campus(University of Pretoria) today, when I figured, I might go take a look at the fabrication labs. Luckily I had the morgan part on hand, and took them to the lab-manager. The lab uses a ZBuilder Ultra DLP Printer. They will let me use it, but charge almost R6000/litre volume. So for the 2 drivewheels, and the z-mounts, and pvc pipe supports alone, it will cost me R2500 (including support). That seems a bit excessive, wouldn’t you think? Not too sure of what major advantage the DLP printer has over the rest though?
EujeanParticipantIt seems like plenty of people have had success with their PVC pipes, so I’ll probably stick to the PVC.. Next on the checklist is the actual printed parts. Any idea when/if they will be available again?
EujeanParticipantHi again Quentin.
Recently I’ve been wondering about the differences between the PVC and the aluminium. Do the aluminium pipes also warp like the PVC do? Where in Centurion can I get these aluminium pipes? I don’t know if it’s relevant, but I’m using the aluminium platform from Peter. Is there a significant difference between the printed parts for the aluminium other than that they go outside of the aluminium? Also any estimates on when I can order the printed parts?
EujeanEujeanParticipantThinking of going to h4h tomorrow, what time do you guys normally meet? I saw there was parking issues 😛 I have quite a few questions. Now that I think about it I met you last time I was there. That was long ago, but inspired me to build a Morgan 😀