Wim’s Reprap morgan build

Wim de Groot is busy building a Morgan with a bit of a twist in order to use what he has available… Sounds so familiar!  Here is what he shared:

P1020184 P1020183 P1020182

From the construction I learned a lot about the bearing etc. how to have a good movement of the arms.

The main brass tube is 22/19 mm, so small bearings 19/10 (available) could be pressed in. (19/8 bearing would be nicer)
The inner brass tube is 12/10 mm and using my lathe I made two inserts (soft soldered) on both ends from 10mm round brass rod with shoulders for the bearings and M8 thread cut for the wheel and the main arm.

In the pics you will see that I am going work with an intermedate “floor” to mount the two motors (one on each side).
This would be more stable, I guess.

The next step would be to get motors and timing belt gears conncted.
And further the end stops (prior to acquire the control board etc).
I want to be sure that I get it right mechanically.

Thanks for sharing Wim! Best of luck with the rest of the build.

One Reply to “Wim’s Reprap morgan build”

  1. A very good-looking build. It is a testament to the robust nature of the RepRap community that the enthusiasm and expertise of its members are providing so many variations in such a short time. Thanks for sharing!

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