Morgan improvements


This is to demontrate the improvements in Morgan over the past months.

The model on the right was printed on Morgan0, when it still had the threaded rod Z axis drive. It was oversized, and approximately 197 mm high. The blobbing caused by an earlier slic3r and z artifacts are clearly visible.

The model on the left was printed last night on Morgan01. 156% oversize, it measures 220mm in height, and displays none of the previous problems. Surprisingly is is lighter than the first pink lady. The artifact that can be seen on the legs are due to a filament break, quickly resolved by pushing the filament back in the extruder following the broken filament in the Bowden cable. Due to the new trend in Slic3r to minimize retraction, the effect of the problem was minimized.

Could never have imagined this.
Great times!

2 Replies to “Morgan improvements”

    1. Yes. That SDS bit made a world of difference, but it is important to note that not all drill bits a created equally. I found another at half the price of the one I use now, and upon closer inspection the “thread is not quite uniform, and the bit not quite straight. Like always you get what you pay for…

      Works great though, doesn’t it?

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