Anyone building or updating a Reprap Morgan and would like to use an E3D v6 hot-end (or Chinese knockoff) rather than the original J-head may be interested in one that I recently created. See http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1427326.
This tool-head is split vertically to allow reliable clamping of the E3D’s groove mount, particularly against possible z-axis movement when changing filament.
Optional extras in the scad file include a bearing retainer ring, an extension to allow the hot-end’s press-fit connector to be easily operated, a LED lamp bracket, and a support arm clip for attachment of an active cooling fan and duct. These features have all been printed and tested on my Morgan. Good prints have been made using a 0.3 mm nozzle and 3 mm filament.
There is also an optional bracket on the tool-head to hold a capacitive auto-leveling sensor – but this is still a work in progress. If you don’t need this item then set the “Z_PROBE” switch in the scad to false before compiling.