Basic Design Questions

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    • #5717
      Jaco Annandale

      Hi There Q

      I have been building my Morgan on and off for 6 Months and finally came to a point where I can start calibrating. ..And this has been a hoot…… love my Morgan.

      Just a Basic design questions :

      1. Is the top platform suppose to be parallel to the
      bottom one ? Mine is not ?

      2. The Z platform is way out in terms of level.
      Could this be because of 1.

      3. There are some cool additions to the Morgan Pro.
      Will this additions ( Build Platform, pipe holders
      ect ) be available for the “normal scratch builds”


    • #5722
      Quentin Harley

      1. Yes, the platform is not quite level. As long as the bed is squared to the bearing rods, all is good.

      2. It could be. If it does not reach, try adjusting the bed higher.

      3. Since I am now building 3D printers full time, I have decided to do the same as Ultimaker, and do a delayed release on the new stuff. The free version will be just one version behind. That said, the Pro version is still being improved on cosmetically… Time for a new photo shoot.

    • #5731
      Jaco Annandale

      Thx Q

    • #5740
      Jaco Annandale

      A stupid Question :

      I have switched to the 1.75mm extruder.
      How do I connect the 4mm PTFE bow-den tube to the tool head?

      Is there perhaps a tightening cone for the 4mm PTFE tube or am I on the wrong track ?


    • #5741
      Quentin Harley

      Apologies about the delay…

      To attach the 4mm tube do the following:
      1) Push a short piece of 4mm ID (6mm OD) tube over the 4mm teflon tube after the screw cap.

      2) sharpen the tip of the 4mm teflon tube in a pencil sharpener, and thread a M4 nut unto the tube, and keep going until the tube protrudes on the other side.

      3) cut the sharpened tip off, and ream the inside with a 2mm drill bit to open it up – it would have compacted during threading.

      4) Fit the tube and nut into the hole, and tighten. The 6mm tube should be short enough just to keep the nut down in the hole. Flare the outer tube a bit if it comes through the cap

      5) Never force it… you only have to keep it in.

    • #5742
      Jaco Annandale


      Do you perhaps have a picture of this setup?

      Another thing… Do you sell the metal extruder from the Reprap Pro seperatly?



    • #5745
      Quentin Harley

      The metal extruder is from Printrbot, and a perk of working with the Robobeast guys. It is a very sexy little extruder, but you can still get better print performance from geared extruders.

      I am building a machine for Geekfest… Will take pictures then.

    • #5752
      Jaco Annandale

      Much Appreciated.

    • #5847
      Jaco Annandale


      Build is complete and calibration is done.

      What can be wrong with Morgan give bad prints, on the ends of the calibration phantom

      Bad Print


    • #5858
      Quentin Harley


    • #5859
      Jaco Annandale

      Huh? Mnnnmmm. Please explain how you post a pic on the forum.

      Im a total noob on WP,,!!

    • #5860
      Quentin Harley

      sent you a mail…

    • #5862
      Jaco Annandale

      Hi ( Lets try this again)

      Build is complete and calibration is done.

      What can be wrong with Morgan give bad prints, on the ends of the calibration phantom

    • #5864
      Quentin Harley

      Hi Jaco, Fixed the photos. You need to add the link to the photo itself (download link) not the link to the dropbox page…

      Back to the question. Seems you have Oscillations in the Theta arm. This can be due to belt tension, or it could be that something is loose in the drive shaft mechanism.

      At what speed did you print the calibration cross?

    • #5865
      Jaco Annandale

      I used your HQ settings.

      Ok, how tight must the belts be ?

      What can be wrong in the drive shaft? Maybe the bilts are too loose?


    • #5883
      Quentin Harley

      Belts should be tight enough to prevent the arms wigling while the motors stand still. Not too tight (bending stuff is a good indication of that)

      I used to put a lot of threadlock into the nuts on the drive shaft to prevent the rod tuning inside the inner pipe. That helped get rid of the ringing.

      Recently I tried making the whole inner shaft out of solid metal on a lathe with good results. Not easy if you cannot lay your hands on a lathe, but a lot more reliable.

    • #5890
      Jaco Annandale

      Mmmm i’ve got a big Mitco lathe at work. Will definitly try that.

      Do you perhaps have picture or specs of the inner rod?

      Thanks for all the help

    • #5901
      Jaco Annandale

      Morning all.

      Well I decided to take the whole drive system apart and to re-assemble it again.

      I did find the inner rod to have a small problem. it looks like the nuts at the end started to wear out the copper pipe. If you wiggle the pipe a little bit, you can hear the the nuts are loose in the pipe ( ;-> )

      I then started to thing about the solid shaft for the inner tube.

      Should I have a solid pipe with the inside ends threaded to be M8, and only connect a small piece of threaded bolt to each end? Or should i thread the whole pipe (which would be nearly impossible ).

      Hmm I think a picture whould discribe it better !!

      Will come back to you !!!

    • #5916
      Quentin Harley

      I made a drive shaft out of solid brass for a couple of my machines. If you want want I could sell it to you…

      I am working on updating the morgan sources.

    • #5922
      Jaco Annandale

      Yes please.

      Can I come and Pick it up at H4H today? R? I’ll bring

    • #5933
      Quentin Harley

      Working better now?

    • #5934
      Jaco Annandale

      Still busy with the tear down. Will let you know asap. !!

    • #5935
      Jaco Annandale

      Well now !

      I stuffed up my drivewheels when I tried to true it in the lathe.

      It happen when you use too big machines for the job.

      Wel start sort of from scratch !!!

    • #5936
      Quentin Harley

      Let me know if you want a laser set

    • #5937
      Jaco Annandale

      Laser set is 100%

      Thanks Q

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