
This weekend I made quite a bit of progress.


In these images you can see the updated motor holders, the new bed bracket with lead screw, and the power supply roughly in the right spot, ready for the electronics.

What you cannot see, is the new inner shaft of the SCARA drive, that now consists of the threaded rod and a 15mm copper pipe. It turns out that the elasticity of the rod itself is now the weak link in the design… The double shaft successfully dampens and oscillations that were apparent before.

20130203-163917.jpg 20130203-163900.jpg

Bed leveling, and hotbed. Building of RAMPS for morgan ( my current RAMPS is doing Ecksbot duty ), and the upgrade and mounting of the extruder.

Watch this space!


After giving up on getting any reprap related spares anywhere in South Africa, and after commissioning the making of the circuit-boards for my RAMPS and stepstick boards, I found a little computer store RIGHT ON MY DOORSTEP that stocks amongst other things, Pololu stepper drivers, Arduino, Sparkfun stuff, the elusive headers etc.

They are situated in the shopping center behind the Centurion Macro, close to the Gym.

What Irony! At least I will save a few bucks in the looooong run by doing what I did 😉

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