11 Replies to “Teaser”

    1. The Alu parts will go in Morgan02, the second daughter. Time is the enemy of progress…

      I still need to add the extra holes and mounting plates for that version. It will remove the need for the top and bottom Z bar holders, and a couple of other enhancements.

      This will be in the MorganZA kit.

    1. It is part of a conference on open source mobile development, more specifically android. Will only bw a very quick demo as a teaser to emerging technologies

      You might rather want to come to house for hack in Centurion on Tuesday night.

      1. I would be very interested in seeing the morgan in person. Can anyone join the house 4 hack meet tomorrow night?
        Thank you very much for all your thouble!!!

  1. Thank you for the great job. You beat me to this design by several months. I had just started my proof of concept for a pantograqph design when I discovered yours. It’s great.

  2. OOPS I misspelled pantograph. Have you thought about adding extra arms (as is the case with a pantograph)? The size of your build could be increased.

    1. Hi Arthur,

      After many attempts the SCARA concept is the one that stuck. More arms would mean bigger build, at the expense of complexity and cost. You also have more expensive build failures 😉
      I see the parallels between my machine and the pantograph now… fascinating! How did you find my machine in the end?

      1. I found your machine through intensive searching thru various sites until I got to the 3der site. You might want to look at make-it-3d.eu/wp/s-maker for slightly different take on the scara arm concept. As an aside, I took a genetics course using drosophila for experiments in 1959. Yes, I’m that old.

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