I have shot some video, showing the Pronterface console and the machine, but for some reason I have trouble with the sound of it. I may have to narrate the whole thing….
In the mean time I have drawn up a flowchart that sums up the whole video.
Morgan Cal flowchart (corrected version… Thanks Fig)
Please feel free to ask questions if anything is unclear. This flowchart works great for me.
Hi Quentin,
Nice chart, so helpful!
I just got my RAMPS1.4 and DRV8825, should I do any modification to the stepstick like you did(soldering pin19 and m2)?
I would recommend the modifications. The steppers do not turn very smoothly at low current operation, and Reprap is very low current…
You could get it running without the mods if you want to though
Can I use A4988 to drive 0.9 degree motor on X and Y axis? Will it lead to lower accuracy?
Yes, but not unacceptable. My First Morgan has the 32uStepping, but still runs with 1.8deg motors, and is workhorse. Quality is OK.
OK, I will try A4988 first. Soldering pins is too skillful for me, I’m afraid I may do some damages to my stepper drivers…:(
Thanks Quentin!
Hi Quentin,
I found DRV8824 has better performance at low current than DRV8825. It’s worthy to try, right?
Quentin, there may be a error in your flowchart.
The M-Code of moving to Theta90 should be M361 and moving to Psi90 should be M363, right?
Of course you are right!
Updating the PDF right now!