This past week has unfortunately been another busy time at Real Work (TM)
So, in order to get to my printing tasks and broken promises, I installed BotQueue – Software by Zach Smith (Hoeken). I also registered on-line ( )
What a pleasure! I basically set up my bots, uploaded the config files for slicer, uploaded the STL plates for printing, and sent it on its way. Morgan is now busy printing all the time, without me having to fiddle with the controls, or trying to remember what is supposed to be printed next. The only time it is not printing is while it is waiting for me to clear the build plate, and pass the build for the next part to load. I can upload parts from anywhere, and even reprint old jobs with the press of a button. You can also add parts by sending the links to it.
Another cool feature is that it supports webcams, allowing me to keep an eye on things remotely, and be able to stop an errand print if needs be.
I did suffer a breakdown on the Ecksbot, but a few new belts and new x-idler/motor pieces should sort it out. Those parts are already in the Morgan queue…
Clocked 13hr of printing since 21:00 last night.
Thanks Hoeken!
Didn’t know you had an Ecksbot! The first thing I did with my work’s Makerbot Replicator was to print parts to build my Ecksbot from scratch. Boy was that a mistake – lack of information/help on their site, and the bot had too many flaws. Mine is now waiting to be scrapped to re-use parts for a new printer, maybe I’ll turn it into a Prusa i3, or a Morgan 😉