2013 has been a great year. It saw the birth and maturity of Morgan, and the beginnings of a great forum of hackers pulling together in the builders section.
It also saw the Uplift interim prize awarded to Morgan
December has been unusually busy both in my day-job and developments around a space for Morgan at H4H.
January I will have some time to catch up with Morgan development and printed parts manufacturing.
Thanks for your interest… Without you this would probably still have been another one of my crazy projects filed away in my shelf.
If several of this kind of “crazy” projects sleep in your shelf, I’d be very interested to take a look at that shelf. 😉
Just keep on doing what you do and you will bring mankind some steps forward. I’m sure.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year form
Robert Kuhlmann
Germany, Schwabach
Thanks Robert!
I promise to unleash a couple more of the sleepers on the world next year… Brace yourself…
Thanks for your invaluable contribution over the year. You may notice some variation of your enhancements on the parts in the Git repository today.
Thanks so much for all that you have done and are doing! It is a bummer that your day job is taking you away from us but you have to feed the family. I was/am truly inspired by Morgan and I can’t wait to see what Lilian looks like. I hope you get some time off for the holidays from your day job and from Morgan. A time to breath.
Your creations did much the same for me.
Mad men, wild women and crazy girls change the world. (Mike Batt)
Congratulations to Quentin for the ideas you have released into the wild and exposure you have offered to 3D printing enthusiasts in our little corner of the world.
Nicholas, you have also been inspirational. Coming out with radical new designs faster than most people can take the sharp edges of a new idea.
Hi Quentin,
I work for CNBC Africa on DStv 410. We would love to do a feature on Morgan for one of our shows. Is there any way that I can contact you directly?